Tuesdays are for...
well, first they are for these socks:
New working socks in Debbie Blissh Merino DK. They are beautiful, brown fall socks, rather heavy socks, knit with my favorite cable down the sides. I expect to add calf shaping, which I do not do ordinarily, so let's see how that goes.
I finished the herringbone cardi, it's blocking, but my camera is doing some funny things with its ability to autofocus, so there are no good pictures of it. We'll try again when it's dry, and I can give you some action shots.
But you know what I do have a picture of? This thing I did last night:
I spun! I spun yarn from roving for the very first time on this drop spindle:
This drop spindle I bought this weekend and used to make my own yarn. I'm pretty excited. Anyway I'm going back to the spindle because Tuesdays are for spinning.