Saturday, January 13, 2007

It's all about the swatch.

This weekend we have a sock swatch!

I love it dearly. I want to go to sleep at night with it lying next to my pillow, for it is Rowan Cashsoft, and it is purple. I delight in its purple, cashmere-y goodness. I pet it as if it were, well, my pet.

And I love it dearly because i feel it indicates knitterly maturity. I made a swatch in both stockinette and in the pattern(s) I was considering. And I washed my swatch. Then I neatly pinned it out, and patiently waited for it to dry before I measured the swatch.

I never, ever do this. But because of my love for the cashsocks I have taken the responsible path. I have settled down and swatched, and washed, and measured, an so far the knitterly swatch has served me well. I have progressed a fair way through the foot, even onto the heel, and no horrible gauge-related mishap has befallen me.

And see this? This mistake? It is a mistake I have made in the swatch, and thus will (hopefully) not have to make in the sock itself. Because of my cashmere swatch-of-protection which I have wisely knit myself has taught me to be a good and true knitter to this sock of mine.

I am all about this swatch because I am all about these socks. I really do love them. Truly and deeply.

But, dear readers, though my love for the cashsocks is pure and good, it is not without wayward glances, misplaced is not, I am afraid to say, without unfaithfulness. There are...other socks. Varigated socks. And not just one sock, there are two pair.

Two more pairs of socks. Unswatched, barely counted, made without regard to measurements or so much as a glance at a pattern.

These hussy socks I will show you tomorrow, or maybe Monday. Sometime when the cashsocks are not around to see my sockly infidelity. Also when the light is acceptable for the taking of pictures.

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